Every child can hear Biblical truth! View Video

Bible Classes for Children During Their Public School Day

Bible2School, a public school ministry, equips communities to provide free Bible classes to elementary school children DURING their public school day. It’s a fully legal elective program that can happen anywhere, in any state. The children walk or are bused to a nearby church or partner location where trained volunteers engage the children in lively worship, Bible stories, lessons, activities, and prayer. Learn how you can engage with our mission of teaching truth and inspiring hope to children in public school.

I always wanted to know how to get to Heaven, but no one ever told me.
- 3rd Grader
A young boy smiling at the camera
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A group of kids surrounding a woman volunteer and smiling
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A young boy praying
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A boy making a heart symbol with his hands
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Our Latest Resources

Let Bible2School, experts in engaging children with the Word of God, help equip you in sharing God with the children in your life. We have a variety of resources designed just for you.

“How Does God Speak To Me?”
Join Meredith as she answers the question, “How does God speak to me?” with David Schmus from Christian Educators.
3 Ways Public School Ministry Can Ignite Local Church Outreach
Have you ever wondered how a public school ministry can actually HELP a local church fill their Kids’ Ministry rooms? Leveraging partnerships with public school ministries removes barriers and engages local churches in community outreach during the week. In this blog, Kori Pennypacker outlines 3 ways a public school ministry can help ignite local church outreach.
The Bible2School CBA Cross Resource
We LOVE to share the Gospel with children, and we make it fun and easy! The Bible2School CBA Cross is our children’s favorite resource and we want to share it with you, so in turn you can share the Gospel easily with the child in your circle of influence.
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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7