Bible2School At Home

We are experts in engaging children with the Word of God and we help equip Christian adults to spread the Kingdom of God in everyday life with the children in their circle of influence. We’re happy to share our favorite resources and ideas to bring the fun of Bible2School right into your own home! We know that children learn best through actively engaging with their environment, so our hope is that these crafts, skits, and activities will help spark conversation in your home that will help children learn about Jesus’ love!

The Bible2School CBA Cross is Our Children’s Favorite Resource

We want to share it with you, so in turn you can share the Gospel easily with the child in your circle of influence.

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“Who Can Wash Away My Sins?” Science Experiment

Because of God’s enduring love, He sent a solution to save us from sin. Scripture tells us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and no one can come to the Father except through Him. Need some help explaining this to your kids? We have a simple hands-on experiment that will help demonstrate that Jesus washes away our sins when we put our faith in Him.

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“According to Their Own Kind” Experiment

God has always been consistent in His creation. In fact, the phrase “according to their own kinds” is used 10 times in the first chapter of the Bible. This can be a difficult concept for kids to understand, but we have a hands-on activity that will help them visually understand that living things always come from other living things that are similar to them.

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Christmas Activities

Looking for some Christmas activities to do with the kids that keep the focus on Jesus? Our friends at Raising Christian Kids created this great printable that includes coloring pages, crossword puzzles, word searches, and some discussion questions.

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Which Way?

Before people used GPS or phone apps to find their way, explorers and travelers relied on compasses. Our friends at Answers in Genesis created this fun science experiment that walks you through making a compass using items you have around your house. This activity will show how God put an electromagnetic field around the earth to block out harmful sun rays.

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An Optical Illusion

In a world full of busyness and distractions, it can be hard to keep our focus on God. The more you know the Bible and the more you know God, the clearer, safer and sharper your lens is to process the world. This is known as a Biblical Worldview — seeing the world through God’s holy lens, brought into focus by the Bible. This simple and fun optical illusion activity will help guide you through teaching your child how and why we need to keep our focus on God.

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Powerful Prayers for Back-to-School

This helpful resource comes from our friend Lauren Gaines, from Inspired Motherhood, and is JUST in time for Back-to-School! She created the perfect resource to encourage parents to help prepare the family for back-to-school. Each day includes a short devotion, scripture, guided prayer, and a contemplation question.

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Neighborhood Prayer W.A.L.K.

Jesus called us to LOVE our neighbors. But, how do we love them? One way to do this is to pray for them. As a family, set aside a focused time of prayer specifically for those living in your neighborhood. A fun and engaging way to involve your kids in this is by going on a Neighborhood Prayer W.A.L.K.

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F.R.O.G. Craft

It’s important that we rely on God, no matter what is happening in our lives. By teaching our children this life lesson, they will have the strength and courage when facing life’s many challenges, knowing that He is always with them. This simple and fun F.R.O.G. craft can be used as a visual reminder for your children to Fully Rely On God!

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7