3 Ways Public School Ministry Can Ignite Local Church Outreach

Have you ever wondered how a public school ministry can HELP a local church?

Sadly, studies show that church attendance continues to decline in our nation. According to a recent Gallup poll, “Two decades ago, an average of 42% of U.S. adults attended religious services every week or nearly every week…and it is currently at 30%.”  

Why the decline in church attendance? The pandemic, busy schedules, sports events, and lack of being a priority can all be to blame.

As a former children’s ministry director, I understand the vision of having your Kids’ Ministry rooms filled with children eager to learn about Jesus. But, waiting for kids to come to you can be frustrating.

That’s where public school ministry comes in to help…  

When a friend first introduced me to Bible2School, a public school ministry that removed these barriers, I was skeptical. I agreed to observe the program. It was a Bible class for elementary aged children held in the middle of the week, in the middle of a public school day, DURING school hours. I asked, “How is that legal?” My friend shared that Bible2School is legal through something called “released time” federal court rulings upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

I assumed a vibrant Bible program only happened at a weekend service, not during the week. And kids giving up their lunch and recess time for a Bible class?? No way, there probably won’t be any kids there.

I was wrong. Very wrong! Not only was the room filled to the brim, there were children on the waiting list!

Today, 15 years later, I am the CEO of that public school ministry that caused me to be skeptical. Bible2School engages elementary aged children with a Bible-based curriculum that provides the amazing opportunity — fueled by the Holy Spirit — to connect the Bible with their hearts, not just their minds. 

So how can public school ministries ignite the local church’s outreach?

Leveraging partnerships with public school ministries, like Bible2School, removes barriers and engages local churches in community outreach all during the week. Church leaders can partner with an existing program or they can help get one started. 

Consider these three ways public school ministries can help ignite the local church’s outreach. They can: 

  1. Be the church that goes to the children. Where are the kids at? IN SCHOOL. Kids spend about 35-40 hours Monday through Friday in school. Public school ministry allows you to engage in the Bible and share the Gospel of Jesus to kids who don’t get to attend church. This helps us with our shared goal that Jesus gives us in Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
  2. Build a relationship with families who don’t attend church. Public school ministry facilitates the start of relationships with parents and families outside your church walls that you might not have met otherwise. Astonishingly, each year, over 50% of the Bible2School kids registered do not attend church. Many Bible2School volunteers have the opportunity to connect with parents and kids outside of the program, like cheering them on at soccer games or musical performances. Relationships are made and trust is built.
  3. Personally invite families into your church. Partnering with local public school ministries helps to bridge the gap of inviting families to visit your church. According to the Billy Graham Evangelical Association, 80% of people who come to Christ were invited to church by someone they knew. Bible2School, and other programs like it, reach the target audience of unchurched children and their families weekly in the mission field of the public school. When children hear the gospel, they tell others — their family and their community. This year, 17% of all Bible2School families have started attending church because their children were involved (that’s up from 15% previously).

Ready to fill your Kids’ Ministry rooms with more kids and impact the next generation? Consider partnering with a public school ministry that is convenient for families and trustworthy, like Bible2School. The impact will ripple through families. Communities will be strengthened. Church buildings will continue to fill up. Public school ministry is truly the best kept secret evangelistic tool. We’re ready to equip you for this growing mission field and reach kids where they’re at — in public schools!

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Looking for More Great Resources?

Let Bible2School, experts in engaging children with the Word of God, help equip you in sharing God with the children in your life. We have a variety of resources designed just for you.

“How Does God Speak To Me?”
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“Does God give second chances?” Yes, of course he does! This fun resource will help demonstrate how God did this in a very creative way with his prophet, Jonah! You can show your kids how God gave Jonah a second chance by bringing this Bible story to life by creating your own belly of the whale and making a blubber glove.  Get ready to use your imagination as you teach this lesson to your children in a fun and tangible way. 
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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7