Helping Our Kids Trust God

Life is unpredictable — there are highs and lows, and everything in between. We say that we fully trust God in all circumstances, even bad ones, but do we live that way in front of our children? The faithfulness of God is one of the most important truths you can teach your child.

So, how do we teach our kids to fully trust God? How do we teach them that trusting Him means completely surrendering everything to Him? In this blog, we outline a few tips to help you teach your children to trust God in ALL things. And, hopefully they are helpful reminders for your faith journey too!

Remind Them of WHO God is

Tell them that God created everything. God is bigger than we can imagine. God is in control. God is powerful. God always wants the best for us. He loves us more than we can imagine. He is working all things together for our good. So, even when we feel scared or nervous, we can trust in God and His good plan for our lives.

Show Them Examples in God’s Word

Explain that there are plenty of examples of trust in the Bible and that the Bible is TRUE. Read a few stories, then start a conversation by saying, “What do you think it must have felt like to fully trust God in a situation like that?” Here are a few stories to get you started, with linked Scripture and kid-friendly animated videos.

● God parts the Red Sea to provide a safe passage for the Israelites as they traveled to a new land.
Exodus 14
● Daniel trusted God while in the lions’ den and was spared.
Daniel 6
● Peter had so much trust in Jesus that he was able to step out of a boat and walk on water.
Matthew 14:22-33

Model Trust

Kids are always learning from their surroundings, especially by picking up on the emotions of others. Model that your faith is unwavering and say out loud that you trust that God is with you, despite the circumstances. Your example will empower and encourage them to do the same. Talk through various scenarios with them and explain how you are not worried because you trust God.

The Power of Prayer

Prayer — this simple, but essential, form of communication with God our Father draws us closer to Him. Just like our relationships here on Earth, the more we get to know someone the more we can trust them. We must teach our kids how to build a relationship with their Heavenly Father in order to fully trust Him and allow Him to work in our life. Missionary Hudson Taylor wrote, “When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.” When they are scared or anxious, they can rely on the Lord’s strength and trust that He will get them through. Listen to this powerful story of how a group of 3rd graders trusted God and believed in the power of prayer during an unimaginable moment.

Our kids are going to face challenges in their life. It’s our job to help them find peace and to trust God through everything. No matter the circumstance, remind your children that “God’s got it.”

Want to learn more? Check out this podcast episode that talks about why TRUST is what will equip children for emergencies in life, such as an intruder drill at school.

A Practical & Fun Tip

Anxieties and concerns tend to surface at bedtime. Talk to your child and ask them questions that might bring out some of their current worries. Then, show them how to take their thought captive and surrender it to God. Use your hands to illustrate snatching the thought in your fist, and then throwing it (releasing it) up to God. For added effect and fun (especially for younger kids), make a “whooshing” sound as you release your fist.

Relevant Bible Verses

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
– Psalm 46:1

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
– Proverbs 3:5-6

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
– Psalm 56:3

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Looking for More Great Resources?

Let Bible2School, experts in engaging children with the Word of God, help equip you in sharing God with the children in your life. We have a variety of resources designed just for you.

“How Can I Trust God?”
Join Meredith as she answers the question, “How can I trust God?,” with the Biblical answer and a connecting moment to help you engage your children with the Word of God.
4 Practical Family Rhythms from Deuteronomy 6
As Christian parents, we need to teach our kids to love God and to love others. The key is to build intentional spiritual rhythms into your existing family routine! In fact, the Bible gives us 4 ways we can teach these rhythms to our kids using the daily routines we already have in place.
“According to Their Own Kind” Experiment
God has always been consistent in His creation. In fact, the phrase “according to their own kinds” is used 10 times in the first chapter of the Bible. This can be a difficult concept for kids to understand, but we have a hands-on activity that will help them visually understand that living things always come from other living things that are similar to them.
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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7