Simple Ways to Help Kids Pray with Confidence

The sweetest sound is the voice of a child praying…

A 3-year-old boy always wanted to say the prayer at the family dinner table. But every time, he sat quietly with a shy, blank expression on his face. One night, he seemed more prepared than normal and when it was his turn to pray, he proudly bowed his head and said, ”Amen!” He was getting closer! The following week, his mother asked him again if he wanted to pray. This time, he timidly agreed. Everyone bowed their heads and waited, and waited, and waited. Finally, he said “Jesus. Thank you. Help Mommy feel better. Amen.” His parents proudly commended him for being brave and praying out loud for what was on his heart.

The concept of prayer can be confusing and overwhelming to children. Just like we teach our children how to walk, we must teach them how to pray and have the confidence in approaching God, their Heavenly Father. It’s important to reinforce that prayer is a conversation with God that can happen at any time, anywhere, and about anything. In this blog, we outline a few simple ways to help teach your kids to pray with confidence.

Model Prayer

Remember, little eyes are always watching you — so the best way to teach your children how to pray is to PRAY! The more you do it, the more comfortable they will become. Be sure to model it using age-appropriate language for them. This is how they will start to formulate similar prayers. Younger kids might need some prompting, so you can try the “Fill in the Blank” approach. For example, “Lord, thank you for….” or “Lord, forgive me for….” or “Lord, please help….” Before you know it, they will be able to say these things on their own.

Prayer Journal

Kids are visual learners, so teach them how to pray through a prayer journal. First, show them your own prayer journal and then let them go shopping for their own. Small children can start by drawing their prayers and older children can write letters to God. These are also great to look back on over the months to see how God has helped answer their prayers, which will strengthen their faith.

Take a Prayer Walk

Encourage your children to pray in various environments by taking a prayer walk! Pray for the animals and people you see along your walk, and thank God for the beauty in nature. Listen to this podcast episode, Fun and Engaging Ideas for a Kids Prayer Walk, to get more ideas!

Bedtime Prayer Cards

This is a great option for older children. Have your child write down a prayer request on an index card and give it to you. Write out a prayer on the card for their request,  and place it on their pillow before they go to bed. Not only will this give them ideas on how to pray but it will update you on what’s going on in their lives and in their hearts. This is a great way to connect with the Lord — and to each other — through prayer.

At Bible2School, we believe in the power of prayer. And we feel strongly that our most important role as parents and caretakers is to tell our kids about Jesus and give them the tools and language that will help them have a prayerful life.

Looking for more resources to help you raise confident little prayer warriors? Listen to our podcast episodes Ways We Can Help Our Kids Be Passionate About Prayer and A Practical Lesson for Prayer: Traffic Lights.

Relevant Bible Verses

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
-1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
-Proverbs 22:6

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
-​​Philippians 4:6

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
-Romans 12:12

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Looking for More Great Resources?

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