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Glenn Eshelman, founder and owner of Sight & Sound Theatres, shares the humble beginnings of this amazing ministry that brings the Bible to life on stage for multitudes of people around the world.
Heidi Weidler, a Bible2School site Director, shares her journey as a military mom.
Dannah Gresh, Founder of TrueGirl, teaches us how to imitate Jesus in our friendships.
Jodie Berndt, author, speaker & bible teacher, talks about boldly praying scripture over the children in our lives
Worship Leader, David Moul, explores how music, and especially singing, connects us and our kids to each other and God’s Word.
Kori & Meredith wrap up week 3 in a June mini-series covering the top 3 spiritual questions kids ask.
This is week #2 in our mini-series covering the top 3 spiritual questions kids ask.
Kori & Meredith start a June mini-series discussing the top 3 spiritual questions kids ask.