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Kori & Lee talk sunglasses to demonstrate why it’s so important for children to process life through a Biblical worldview.
Donna Nicholson Stief joins us in part two of a two week discussion on how to steward grief well with the children in our lives.
Donna Nicholson Stief brings us a topic not often discussed – stewarding grief well with the kids in our life.
Don MacLafferty from In Discipleship, is sharing some simple tips to incorporate God’s creation, walking, and prayer in a fun and impactful way!
Kori chats with author and For Girls Like You Director of Development & Partnerships, Linsey Driskill, about Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible, a devo geared toward tweens.
High schooler, Kayli Brown, used the Released Time rulings to volunteer with Bible2School, allowing her to share Jesus with public school students during their day!
Lorie Lee from Compassion International shares the powerful story behind Compassion’s development, and give us a glimpse into the life of a child living in poverty.
Jessica Jaworski from Answers in Genesis discusses the top 5 reasons we don’t have to fear climate change!