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Stacy Vickroy, a Bible2School volunteer, talks about hiding God’s Word in our hearts through worship!
Brian & Ryland Dixon are a father-son team here to share the creative way in which they launched a business that joins the Bible and Legos!
Shannon Popkin, author, podcaster & mom, shares a solution to reversing the struggle for control.
Kori & Lee discuss several ways our kids can confidently share their faith in public school.
Bible2School Area Coordinator, Bruce Ratliff, unpacks how preparing our hearts for Easter through the practice of Lent can draw us closer to Jesus.
Hillary Morgan Ferrer is the founder of Mama Bear Apologetics®, and has a burden for providing accessible apologetics resources so we can effectively train ourselves to train our kids!
Dallas Jenkins, Creator, Director & Co-writer of “The Chosen”, talks about how this multi-season show on the life of Christ points people of all ages to Scripture!
Josh Straub, co-author and host of the Famous at Home book & podcast, talks about connecting kids to Jesus in the busyness of life.