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Chris Rich, Mid-Atlantic Director of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, shares his passion for this ministry that covers over 100 countries!
Daryl Lefever shares his journey into the adventure of film-making, and highlights the themes from “Jesus Revolution”, coming to theaters soon!
Listen in to how God guides Tyler & Monica Herr on an unexpected adventure towards adoption.
Every life matters and has great purpose. Janae Hostetter, mom of 4 and passionate pro-lifer, shares her testimony that speaks this truth to the core!
Cindy Bultema, Executive Director of the nationwide girls club, GEMS, talks about the transforming power of God’s Word, Connection and Identity in Christ.
Dr. Jenn Rivera, Director of Educational Programs at Answers in Genesis, discusses how biological gender is visible through our skeleton!
Kori & Lee reminisce over Bible2School 2022 and share the focus for 2023!
Our guest today, Carrie Ochoa, journeys through her story of following the Holy Spirit’s lead by faith, not by sight.