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Lee Nienhuis, our friend, author and speaker, talks about coaching the kids in our lives to obey God and enjoy relationship with him.
Brenda Yoder, counselor, speaker and author, talks about how to launch our kids well starting from infancy.
Jessie Seneca, founder of More of Him Ministries, talks about helping kids overcome insecurity.
Walt Mueller talks about teaching our children to think critically and Christianly about what they are viewing.
We’re celebrating our 50th episode with inspiration on parenting the whole-hearted child with Jeannie Cunnion!
Movie producer and author, Alex Kendrick, shares the importance of intentionality when sharing the love and hope of Jesus.
WJTL radio host, Lisa Landis, explores how music can be used to introduce children to Jesus in a fun and memorable way.
Worship leader, David Moul, explores how music, especially singing, connects us and our kids to each other and God’s Word.