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Summer is here!! Stephanie Smith is sharing three ideas to have an intentional, faith-filled summer with the kids in your circle of influence.
Don MacLafferty, founder of In Discipleship, unpacks the importance of being a great disciple maker to the children in our lives and offers simple, effective tips.
Bible Visuals International Executive Director, Tom Luttmann, shares how BVI is equiping ministries to help children see Jesus and practical tips for helping children see Jesus is our own homes.
Sally Burke, President of Mom’s in Prayer International, shares some simple yet powerful tips on prayer.
Bible2School teacher Leslie McCarthy shares some fun and practical tips to engage our children in prayer.
William Graham shares experiences from decades of the Graham family praying with presidents to inspire prayer for our nation and leaders.
Jonathan Pitts, father of four teen girls, unpacks the importance of being intentional in the life of a child.
Kori and Lee chat about four main reasons why we should slow down and take the time to serve others.