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Ben Vander Kodde, Program Director at Grace Adventures, believes that our kids can be influential in creating a culture of value in their schools and groups.
Jennifer Rivera, Science Educator at Answers in Genesis, helps us understand how we can connect the historical account of Genesis to the science we’re studying today.
Kori & Lee uncover examples of thankfulness found in the Bible and share 5 ways to teach your kids about the importance of gratitude.
Mike Lutz, who is passionate about teaching Scripture, answers the important question, “How do you know the Bible is true?”
Michelle Nietert, professional counselor, discusses how mental and spiritual health go hand in hand with impacting a child.
Kori explains how God gives us second chances through her favorite Bible2School lesson, the story of Jonah and the whale.
Jamie Ivey, author and speaker, unpacks why it’s so important to teach children about their identity in Christ early in their life.
New York Times bestselling author, Mo Aiken, tackles how to fully know and be known by God and how to pass this information along to our kids.