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Bible2School teacher, Laura Mele, talks about how to teach the Bible to children and shares her favorite lesson on Noah.
Arlene Pellicane, author, speaker, and mom of 3, helps us make sense of the good and bad of our kids’ screen time and offers tips for positive changes.
Lee unpacks what life would look like if we help our children face their fears just like the heroes in the Bible.
Meredith, mom of 3 and Bible2School team member, discusses how she introduces children to prayer in fun and engaging ways.
Matt Sharp, Alliance Defending Freedom, reviews what religious liberties our children have when living out their faith in public schools.
Justin Kleiner, Director for Fellowship of Christian Athletes, unpacks how sports can have a positive influence in our children’s lives.
Lee dives into building a healthy adult support system for your children and the impact it will have on their faith through life.
Bible2School teacher, Marie, discusses the questions kids ask and shares how she uses a traffic light to teach children about prayer.