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WJTL radio host, Lisa Landis, explores how music can be used to introduce children to Jesus in a fun and memorable way.
Hear from movie producer, Alex Kendrick, about his passion for intentionally sharing the gospel with everyone, especially our children.
Learn why it’s so important that we tell the next generation about Jesus and hear the three spiritual questions we hear the most from children.
We want our kids to have the same love for God’s Word and vibrancy in their faith that we do. Learn how to introduce your kids to the Bible.
Praying for our kids is one of the most important things we can do. Learn how prayer can be strategic, proactive, and powerful.
Friends matter, especially when it comes to our children. Learn ways you can influence your child’s friends for Christ.
Our first episode of the podcast explores what Bible2School is and how it’s legal to provide Bible classes during the public school day.
An introduction to the Bible2School podcast ministry, You CAN Tell The Children, where we explore why it’s so important to share God’s Word with the next generation.