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Author and speaker, and elementary school principal, Zac Bauermaster, shares how to lead with a heart for God and people.
Idaho Site Directors, Brock & Jenny Jessup, share their Bible2School journey, inspiring others to impact the next generation for Christ.
Meredith & Lee discuss how to help kids become Godly influencers.
Social Media influencer, mom of 8 and grandmom of many, Bonni Greiner speaks to the unexpected Biblical benefits of decluttering with kids.
Based on a remarkable true story, “Unsung Hero” depicts a mom’s faith that stands against all odds and inspires her husband and children to hold onto theirs.
Bible2School volunteer & business owner, Greg Paul, shares his story of following God’s call to serve in this public school ministry.
Alex Kendrick, director of an upcoming movie called “The Forge”, shares how discipleship is modeled through this film, inspiring deeper devotion to Jesus and others.
Kori & Lee discuss how to teach kids to ask the next question when their faith collides with culture.