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Kori Pennypacker, CEO of Bible2School, shares 3 benefits of attending school board meetings and 3 action steps you can take today.
Alex Kendrick, director of an upcoming movie called “The Forge”, shares how discipleship is modeled through this film, inspiring deeper devotion to Jesus and others.
Dr. Adam Rasmussen brings us great wisdom from the book Raising Spiritual Champions by his colleague, Dr. George Barna.
Dr. Robert & Carlotta Jackson share their heart on preparing the way home for a prodigal child.
Lacey Dobrient shares the gift of The Color Method, a Bible study tool the Lord downloaded to her soul following a season of grief.
Kori & Meredith share some refreshing ways to love your next door neighbor like Jesus!
Author and speaker, and elementary school principal, Zac Bauermaster, shares how to lead with a heart for God and people.
Idaho Site Directors, Brock & Jenny Jessup, share their Bible2School journey, inspiring others to impact the next generation for Christ.