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Laurie Christine, mom of 4 boys and podcast host of Redeeming The Chaos, speaks about the importance of family devotions.
Elizabeth Urbanowicz, Founder & CEO of Foundation Worldview, discusses the importance of understanding what truth is and how to practically teach it to the kids in our lives!
Kori & Lee provide practical ways to observe the 2nd most important hour of the day – mealtime!
Motivational speaker and digital creator, Bonni Greiner, shares several intentional habits for discipling your kids.
Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family and host of its daily radio broadcast, talks about the importance of teaching elementary age kids the Bible.
Kori & Lee discuss how to teach children to speak the truth in love.
Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis, The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, talks about the importance of teaching children how to think, starting from a Biblical worldview.
Donna Nicholson Stief shares how to forgive what you can’t forget in this wisdom-packed episode.