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Our guest today, Steve Herr, shares his story as living proof that generosity begins in the home.
Kori & Lee discuss the top question parents are asking – how to protect children from harmful cultural elements in the public school system.
Military spouse, Megan Brown, shares her journey from unbeliever to empowering military missionaries!
Bible2School bus driver and small group leader, Tim & Esther Heritage, share their experience with the power of prayer.
Actress, author and vocalist, Alena Pitts, talks through her journey in the spotlight and how her talent, passion and purpose align for God’s glory.
CHRISTINE VALES, author and teacher of “His Appointed Times”, uncovers the significance of Noah’s Ark for 2023.
Billy Hallowell, a journalist and host with CBN News, talks to Kori about his journey of serving in the places God called him.
Kori & Lee discuss the 2 things kids need to know about intruder alert drills.