Episode 152: Reading The Bible With The Color Method

Lacey Dobrient shares the gift of The Color Method, a Bible study tool the Lord downloaded to her soul following a season of grief. She was feeling hurt, sad, confused, even angry, and was not wanting to hold on to God. The good news is, God always holds onto us–and he held on to Lacey! He not only held on, he gave her a gift–and part of it was The Color Method. This method is a unique type of Bible study that uses color to expand our understanding of Scripture. You will be amazed by what you learn!

Ready to hear how you can meet God at a deeper level, through color? Let’s go!

LACEY DOBRIENT grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, where she graduated from The Hutchison School. She then went on to graduate from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, with a BA in Communications.

She was a Group Discussion Leader in Bible Study Fellowship for 5 years, and attends Watermark Community Church, where she serves as a Group Leader in the women’s ministry. Her passion is to share the unfailing love of God with others, and to encourage those searching for purpose in life to turn to the holy and inspired Word of God, where there is hope, freedom and eternal life. Lacey is married to Robert, and they live in Dallas, Texas, with their two beloved daughters, Lilly Grace and Evie.


Learn more about The Color Method

Titus 3:4-7: example of a word picture showing God’s love for US

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