Episode 129: Teaching Kids To Speak The Truth In Love

When kids need to speak the truth in love, what should they do? Kid problems may start small, but eventually they become adult-sized! Filling them with God’s truth daily and teaching them to handle conflict as Scripture instructs is critical if we want to see them grow in spiritual and emotional maturity. In this conversation between Kori & Lee, you’ll learn some practical tips to create an action plan on how to speak the truth in love with the children in your life. They share relatable experiences that will lovingly address conflict while keeping in step with God’s Word. When the world seeks to avoid conflict, we want to take the higher ground and confidently teach our children to boldly walk towards resolution.

Are you ready to hear practical examples of speaking the truth in love? Let’s go!

KORI PENNYPACKER has served with Bible2School since 2011. Kori oversees the mission of Bible2School and Engagement by speaking to businesses, churches, and community leaders on the topic of the importance of spiritual training for elementary age children in our communities, especially those who are not able to attend church. She loves inviting people into the Bible2School Team as valued Members, Volunteers, and Donors.

LEE NIENHUIS is a coffee drinker, friend maker, and loud laugher. She is an author, Bible teacher, podcaster and communications consultant. Lee has a heart for the global church, and has recently joined Live Global, a team who supports, trains and equips believers worldwide. 

Lee lives with her handsome, hardworking husband, Mike, at Grace Adventures, a Christian Camp and Training Center in West Michigan. They have four great kids who make her need Jesus. And she says, “That’s a good thing.”


John 14:6 – Jesus is the way, truth & life

John 3:16 – God loved the world & gave His only son

1 Corinthians 13 – the love chapter

Galatians 5 – The fruit of the Spirit

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