Episode 155: The Forge Movie Models Discipleship

Alex Kendrick, director of an upcoming movie called “The Forge”, shares the movie’s theme of discipleship and reminds us that Jesus is inviting us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him. “The Forge” portrays discipleship through a storyline that will have you laughing, crying, and relating with the characters. “The Forge” is a must see for you and your family, and releases in theaters on August 23rd!

Ready to hear how “The Forge” movie models discipleship? Let’s go!

ALEX KENDRICK has dedicated his life to following Jesus Christ and making His truth and love known among the nations. After serving in church ministry for 20 years, he now writes, speaks, and produces Christian films with his brothers Stephen and Shannon. Alex directed and co-wrote the movies OVERCOMER, WAR ROOM, COURAGEOUS, FIREPROOF, FACING THE GIANTS,  FLYWHEEL, COURAGEOUS Legacy Edition, SHOW ME THE FATHER, and LIFEMARK. Alex co-wrote the New York Times bestselling books The Love Dare, The Resolution for Men, and The Battle Plan for Prayer. He has been interviewed on “Fox & Friends,” CNN, and ABC World News Tonight. Alex and his wife, Christina, live in Albany, Ga. with their six children and are active members at Sherwood Church.  His newest film, THE FORGE, opens in theaters in August 2024.


Luke 9:23-24 – take up your cross and follow me

Matthew 6:21– where your heart is there your treasure is also

Teaser Trailer: LINK

The Forge Website

Facebook – @forgemovie

Instagram – @forgemovie

TikTok – @forgemovie

X (formerly twitter) – @Forge_Movie

YouTube – @ForgeMovie

Kendrick Brothers’ Website: https://kendrickbrothers.com/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kendrickbrothers 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kendrickbros

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