Episode 115: The Power of Prayer

Ready to hear some awesome Bible2School Godstories? You’ll fall in love with Tim & Esther’s heart for this ministry that they call the “God-given answer for reaching hearts and lives of young people”!

Our guests remind us we can be excited to watch what God is going to do in the lives of the children we pray for. As Esther said, “We keep praying in faith believing that God will bring our children, our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren into His family because we believe in Him and His power to do that.”

Ready to hear about the power of prayer? Let’s go!

ESTHER HERITAGE is a wife, mother of three married daughters, a fourth one already home with Jesus, grandmother of nine and great grandmother of two, and a retired oncology nurse. Serving beside her husband Tim and raising their daughters led them to fully rely on God through prayer. Praying for others and seeing God’s faithful answers has deeply affected Esther’s faith and love for Jesus. Esther has been volunteering with the Bible2School program since 2012, and it wasn’t long until her husband and daughter joined her in this local mission field, making it a family ministry which they all have loved!

TIM HERITAGE is retired after 40+ years of pastoral ministry in Oklahoma City and Lancaster, Pa.  Husband for 56 years to Esther, father to four daughters, grandfather to nine, and great grandfather to three. Tim began with Bible2School in 2014 as the bus driver for his school district’s first elementary school. He served as bus coordinator for the past 9 years as the ministry grew. Tim is currently serving on the teaching team of his Adult Bible Fellowship class at Calvary Church in Lancaster, PA.


Psalm 34:3 – Oh magnify the Lord

Phil 4:6-9 – Don’t be anxious for anything but pray about everything

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7