“According to Their Own Kind” Experiment

God Created Life from Life

God, the Creator of our Universe, has always been consistent in His creation. In fact, the phrase “according to their own kinds” is used 10 times in the first chapter of the Bible. 

This concept proves the law of biogenesis, which means that life has to come from something that is already alive — it CANNOT come from something that is not alive. And, how cool is it that science confirms what Scripture says! God has revealed to us that the Bible is His perfect Word, that He created life and that He created everything after its own kind. 

This can be a difficult concept for kids to understand, but we have a hands-on activity that will help them visually understand that living things always come from other living things that are similar to them. This activity will walk you through a science experiment and guide you through teaching your child that God created everything in this world in a consistent and predictable way. Have fun!

Page 1 of the “According to Their Own Kind” Experiment

Download the 4-Page FREE Resource

This 4-page downloadable resource includes instructions and a guided conversation. Have fun!


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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7