Balloon Science Experiment

Being Brave & Walking with Jesus

Following Jesus is not always easy for children, especially in today’s culture. Prioritizing between what is right and what their peers are doing can be very challenging when they have choices to make. Talk to your kids about this and ask “Who will you put first when you have to make difficult decisions? Jesus or the world?” It’s important kids understand they can be brave and walk with Jesus.

Then, read the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Bible (Daniel 3) and explain that these men had to choose if they would serve their king or walk with God. This fun science experiment helps kids understand the question, “Who will you put first?” by creating a relevant story and a visual reminder.

Materials Needed:

  • (2) 7” balloons
  • (2) 8 or 16 oz. bottles, labeled "Andy" and "Ben"
  • Baking soda
  • Water
  • White vinegar
  • Funnel

Download the 3-Page Resource


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