Bible Story Skit

Bring the Bible to Life with a Skit

Kids are more likely to remember things they learn when there is something fun involved, such as a song or an activity! So, encourage your kids to let their imaginations soar by putting on a skit at home based on a Bible story. This creative activity will help bring the Bible to life for them!

Find 5 of the 10 props listed below around your house and brainstorm with your kids what Bible story they can act out using the items! They can even make additional props that are relevant to the story they choose! And remember, make it fun — God made us to be creative, just as God is!

Then, record the skit and send it to us to share on social media! We would love to see how creative your kiddos are!


  • Sheet or Towel
  • Stuffed Animal
  • Rope
  • Basket
  • Coins
  • Stick
  • Cup
  • Water
  • Stones
  • Bread

Download the 1-Page Resource


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