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Let Bible2School, experts in engaging children with the Word of God, help equip you in sharing God with the children in your life. We have a variety of resources designed just for you.
“What Does Jesus Want for His Birthday?”
Today we answer the kid question, “What does Jesus want for His birthday?”
4 Fun Ways to Honor Jesus' Birthday this Christmas
Christmas is a time to celebrate one of the most important events in history, but how do we make sure our kids stay focused on the true meaning of Christmas? Have a birthday party for Jesus. In this blog, we give four fun ways to honor Jesus’ birthday this Christmas.
Neighborhood Prayer W.A.L.K.
Jesus called us to LOVE our neighbors. But, how do we love them? One way to do this is to pray for them. As a family, set aside a focused time of prayer specifically for those living in your neighborhood. A fun and engaging way to involve your kids in this is by going on a Neighborhood Prayer W.A.L.K.