F.R.O.G. Craft

Fully Rely On God

It’s important to remember that God is our strength, fortress, and refuge. We need to rely on Him, no matter what is happening in our lives.

Think of a time when everything seemed to be falling into place. Did you rely on God through the process? How about a time when everything was crumbling down around you. Did you rely on God to help you then?

By teaching our children to fully rely on God, they will have the strength and courage when facing life’s many challenges, knowing that He is always with them. This simple and fun craft can be used as a visual reminder for your children to Fully Rely On God.

Materials Needed

  • Frog template (on last page of downloadable resource below)
  • Green craft paper OR foam
  • White craft paper OR foam
  • Pink craft paper
  • Glue
  • Wiggle Eyes (optional)
  • Magnet Strip (optional)
The first page of the F.R.O.G. craft resource

Download the 5-Page FREE Resource

This 5-page downloadable resource includes instructions and a guided conversation example. Have fun!


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