Jonah & the Whale Brought to Life

God Gives Second Chances

“Does God give second chances?” Yes, of course he does! This fun resource will help demonstrate how God did this in a very creative way with his prophet, Jonah!

You can show your kids how God gave Jonah a second chance by bringing this Bible story to life by creating your own belly of the whale and making a blubber glove. Your child will immerse their hand into a bucket of ice cold water, and discover that the blubber protects their hand from the cold, just like God protected Jonah from the sea by sending a great fish to swallow him!

Get ready to use your imagination as you teach this lesson to your children in a fun and tangible way. Have fun!

The first page of the Jonah and the Whale Brought to Life at home resource

Download the 5-Page FREE Resource

This 5-page downloadable resource includes instructions and a guided conversation.


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