Episode 84: What to Do When Control Shows up in Our Parenting

“God is God and I am not – and that’s a really good thing.” While most of us understand this phrase, can we honestly say it’s easy to live like it’s true? If we’re being transparent, don’t we really want to control our lives so that it translates to our idea of a happy ending? Today’s guest, Shannon Popkin, author of “Comparison Girl,” “Control Girl”, and podcast host of “Live Like It’s True,” talks about her own parenting struggles that pointed toward an underlying core issue – yearning for control. She discusses how surrender & trust were the key ingredients to reversing the struggle, and shares advice on the “hold and fold” method that has proven so effective in this journey.

Ready to hear about the one thing you CAN control and how to steward it well? Let’s go…

From the platform, page, and podcast mic, SHANNON POPKIN invites you to drink deeply of God’s story, and live like it’s true. Shannon’s books include Comparison Girl, and Control Girl, and she hosts the Live Like It’s True Bible podcast. Shannon has been featured on Revive Our Hearts, FamilyLife Today, The Gospel Coalition, and Proverbs 31.

Shannon is happy to be sharing life with Ken, who makes her laugh every day. Together, they have the joy of watching their three young-adult kids become the amazing people God created them to be.

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Looking for More Great Resources?

Let Bible2School, experts in engaging children with the Word of God, help equip you in sharing God with the children in your life. We have a variety of resources designed just for you.

“How Can I Trust God?”
Join Meredith as she answers the question, “How can I trust God?,” with the Biblical answer and a connecting moment to help you engage your children with the Word of God.
4 Practical Family Rhythms from Deuteronomy 6
As Christian parents, we need to teach our kids to love God and to love others. The key is to build intentional spiritual rhythms into your existing family routine! In fact, the Bible gives us 4 ways we can teach these rhythms to our kids using the daily routines we already have in place.
Priority Jar Activity
Teaching children the importance of keeping faith a priority in their life can be difficult. This fun activity will help kids visually understand the importance of putting Jesus first in their life. This visual reminder is sure to stick with them for years!
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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7