Episode 116: Empowering Military Women to Share the Gospel

The Lord has called us all to the same thing, the Great Commission. And He calls us to that job within the context of our lives. Our guest today, Megan Brown, gets to engage with the Lord in His work through participating with the Great Commission as a military spouse and mom, and you’ll hear how her discipling is making a Kingdom impact!

Megan reminds us that the military has always been about spreading the gospel, and believes this community has the potential to kick-start the 3rd Great Awakening! You’ll hear her testimony of salvation, how she started a Bible study with other military wives in her living room, and the ways the Lord has grown this into a mission field that empowers military women to share the gospel, teach the Bible, and minister to women in pain wherever they’re stationed. 

Ready to hear what it means to be a military missionary? Let’s go!

MEGAN BROWN is an author, a Christian speaker, and a military missionary. She is passionate about equipping the United States’ military community to carry the redemptive story of Jesus to the four corners through radical hospitality, sound biblical teaching, and community discipleship.

While Megan loves writing – books, blogs, and articles – Megan also enjoys traveling around the country speaking at ministry events, retreats, conferences, and churches.


Military Spouse Coalition: Milspoco Website 

Ephesians 1:3-14 – chosen & redeemed

1 Thessalonians 5:17 – pray without ceasing

Joshua 1:9 – Be strong and courageous for the Lord is with you

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