Episode 162: The Importance of Intentionality

Have you ever wondered if the family dinners, notes in the lunchboxes, and all the other little ways you intentionally show love and disciple a child are making a difference? You’ll want to tune in to hear our guest, Jonathan Pitts, as he discusses how hope, intentionality, consistency and even friendship has a lasting impact in the life of a child. 

Ready to be inspired? Let’s go…

JONATHAN PITTS is an author, speaker, ministry executive and pastor at Church of the City in Franklin, Tennessee. For nearly 20 years, Jonathan has served in executive leadership roles in Christian media, entertainment and the Church, including Executive Pastor at Church of the City, Executive Director at Dr. Tony Evans’ The Urban Alternative, manager to recording artist Anthony Evans, Jr., and current President of For Girls Like You Ministries, a ministry to tween girls and their parents. He is also on the leadership team and a chief strategist at a kingdom focused marketing and fundraising organization called Dunham and Company.

Jonathan is the author of 3 books including My Wynter Season: Seeing God’s Faithfulness in the Shadow of Grief, a memoir that recaps his journey of being overwhelmed by God’s kindness through the loss of his late wife, Wynter Pitts. He also co-authored She Is Yours: Trusting God As You Raise the Girl He Gave You. Jonathan co-founded For Girls Like You Ministries and continues to have a passion for raising and discipling the next generation of young women. 

The father of four beautiful daughters, Alena (20), Kaitlyn (17), Camryn and Olivia (15), and a newly born son, Jonathan Joshua Arrow, Jonathan has a rich redemptive story and is married to his best friend, Peta Pitts. Their family resides in Franklin, TN.


Psalm 34:7 – The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him

My Wynter Season – Book

Psalm 128 – Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord

For Girls Like You

Christian Parenting

Connect with Jonathan @pittsjr26

Connect with For Girls Like You @forgirlslikeyou

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